A green building is one which uses less water, optimises energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier spaces for occupants, as compared to a conventional building. IGBC is leading green building movement in the country.
Though Kerala is a small State, the massive construction activity demands urgent intervention to improve the environmental qualities. IGBC has been formed as an associate of the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), which is the outcome of the international concern expressed by the Kyoto Protocol on the environment. In order to encourage the stakeholders to construct sustainable buildings, USGBC launched LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) certification and rating by which the green buildings were graded as per effectiveness of components used to reduce carbon emission.
IGBC has launched ‘greenhouses rating system’ for houses and apartments. These concepts in the residential sector can help address national issues like the handling of waste material, reduction in fossil fuel, energy efficiency and conservation of natural resources, according to IGBC.
A green building has a variety of advantages. We can broadly classify them into three subheads:
Environmental Benefits: Green buildings have a huge positive effect on the environment. They use less natural resources as compared to a normal building. A green building ensures that it is water-efficient and energy-efficient, and has a much smaller carbon footprint. A green building also ensures that the surrounding eco-system is protected and further enhanced.
Economic Benefits: It is commonly believed that green buildings are costlier than normal buildings. While that might be true at the initial stage i.e. while the building is being made, it has been effectively proven that the overall costs are much lesser than the normal buildings. They consume fewer resources and improve the productivity of occupants. Green buildings also entail higher real estate value. Besides these benefits, incentives are also given by local government bodies in order to achieve a sustainable future.
Social Benefits: Green Buildings have been proven to have a positive impact on the health of residents. Since they provide a balanced and optimal eco-system for residents, they have a positive effect on the productivity and well-being of those who occupy the building.
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